Saturday, November 2, 2013


Well, I made it through trick-or-treating with Mini, even if it was only 10-15 houses. For me it was quite an ordeal mentally and physically to make it happen, especially in the pouring cold rain, an obvious challenge since we know rain makes all of my swelling and pain worse. It was rough, but Snow White was thrilled with her loot and we got home in time for her to go to bed on time (school night) and me in a tub to thaw.

I still have no feeling in the right half of my right hand. It's been a month now. Clearly the reappearance of Babesia has brought some nerve issues along. It's frustrating because I really need to be able to write and at the moment, I can only type with a couple of fingers.

I had several days since the "CRASH" entry of poor leg strength, but it seems to be coming back a bit. Dr. J has written a script for a wheelchair, which I have avoided but feel more secure having in the car now just in case I want to... go somewhere. I need to go somewhere. Problem is, I spend all day in bed either in pain or completely exhausted. I have now cleared week 2, which was better than week 1 by miles, but still rough. This round has a week 3 involved, so we'll see how that goes. Then I will be on holiday through the end of the month. That said, I am so reactive on my "holidays" that I will still be taking two daily antibiotics throughout to ward away the pain and symptoms that tend to creep up.

I finally finished watching all seven seasons of The West Wing and THANK GOD Josh and Donna got together because I would seriously have gone postal had that not worked out. I am so glad I watched it over 3 weeks and not 7 years or I might have been picketing the producers' trailers...

It's a nice day out. It's very warm for November, in the 60s, and I wish I had the desire to go out. The truth is, I am pretty down these days, having been stuck in this bed and now not quite knowing what to do with myself. My fall in the shower has scared me into going somewhere even for a little while, though I need to force myself to do it.

The book has gone to print! While it won't be ready to ship for a few weeks, you can find it on Amazon now and add it to your cart to be shipped when it's been printed in the next couple of weeks. I am really excited about this and hope it will help so many out there. Please spread the word.

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