Yes, we are still together, but still taking things slowly, as treatment is rough on me and we both have our lives to live and sort out, but things are great. I know many of you wonder and many of you have asked me if we are still together, so there's your brief update :)
I mentioned that the New Year brought me the determination to fight as hard as I can to get to remission and I may well be closer than we thought if I indeed have needed a hysterectomy which could have been causing havoc. I go for the ultrasound tomorrow. To be honest, I want to have it out. Even my LLND thinks I should do it because my hormones have been a lifelong issue for me and when a naturopath is in favor of such a big surgery, it seems like a smart move to me. After all, Dr. Steve has treated me AND my crazy hormones for 9 years now.
Imagine if for all of these months I have thought Lyme was causing this pain, when in fact it's a Lyme-induced endometrioma again. If it is, it just means I will keep getting them, so best to take the whole shebang out. I have had the necessary discussions with the necessary people and am at peace should I need to have it out.
In any case, determination. I have had a lengthy discussion with my parents and a few other people and have decided that once I am in a stable remission, I will be moving back to Rhode Island, where I grew up. I live in a lovely town now, but it's really a retirement community and if I move back to Rhode Island, I will not have to start a whole new life. I have many friends there, my business has its headquarters there, and of course my blue sky lives there. Yesterday when I drove over the RI border into Massachusetts, I just started bawling my brains out. I felt like I was leaving the vision of my new (and old) home behind. Then it happened again when I crossed the town line here. I associate this town with illness, as I have lived here due to illness for so many years now.
I have begun to get my ducks in a row for a move about a year from now, but I am not sure that is soon enough for me. I feel desperate to get out of this skin and shed the shell of illness that has surrounded me. But I have to remind myself not to rush it, that I need to be healthy, or at least as healthy as one with Lyme gets, before I make the move.
But did you catch what I wrote above? I am driving again! At least while not in treatment. Tomorrow I begin the same hellacious treatment as last cycle, only we have added Doxycycline to the mix. Doxy is known for shredding the gut like Freddie Kruger, so I am not excited about this one. I was almost unconscious during the first week of my last treatment. Unreal. I am nervous. I know I will be throwing up for most of the week, so I am going to be taking copious amounts of my 3 anti-nausea meds, but we know from last time that it really doesn't help.
I don't have much more to write about besides the fact that my trip was wonderful. The heat beating on me took my pain away and for 6 days, there were many moments when I actually forgot that I am sick. The sky was blue and my blue sky was with me so I just felt like everything was well with the world. It was a beautiful resort and I earned the upgrades offered, so we had butler service and a mega suite. It was very romantic and relaxing. I am so thankful to my company for this amazing gift because the fact that I even know I can feel THAT good and have THAT much energy is such a great sign.
My big PR campaign begins tomorrow. This will be a national campaign to get the book out. If you have read the book and not yet written a review on Amazon PLEASE do so. It will really help with the campaign to have many reviews up. Just go to Amazon and type in "A Twist of Lyme". Thank you for continuing to support me by following my journey.
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