Saturday, November 23, 2013

From Overachiever to Overmethylizer

Had this been a normal cycle, I would have started antibiotics again on Monday for the next three week cycle. However, we have thrown in a side order of Thanksgiving, so I am taking an extra week, as the Week One Babesia protocol renders me useless.

I continue to be intrigued by the possibility, the actuality in fact, of overmethylation and how this is effecting my improvement. Methylation itself is a pretty complex process, as I have understood it. In my case, having tested negative for the genetic mutations MTHFR and COMT which can be associated with a disruption in methylation, there seems to be some issue, rather large and disruptive issue in in the process that is throwing a wrench into my body's ability to properly metabolize methyl groups. The language I am using may be totally off, but this is just how I have understood it all. I am doing a blood test on Tuesday morning with my LLND, Dr. Steve, to check to see where in the process my system breaks down, causing such havoc during my antibiotic holidays. 

It's been so bad, that I have had to stay on two antibiotics when I am supposed to be on none. While I am more comfortable this time around in terms of joint pain, my sleep architecture has, once again, been flipped on its head and I am getting up at 2 or 3 in the morning. I have had other disruptive issues, but I do believe that cutting the Deplin, B-12 shots (25,000mcg every other day), and a couple of other supplements, in addition to adding Niacin as per Dr. Jemsek's order and Quercitin and NAC as per my own orders has helped a great deal with the side-effects I experienced after the last protocol when I went down to DC. 

I always try to play my hand of cards as best I know how and I am certainly known for throwing every ounce of strength I have at healing - mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, but this round has made me feel a bit weak. That said, I have forged ahead and made April vacation plans, knowing and creating the reality that I will be well then, ready to take off for seven nights in the sun, far away from here - literally and figuratively.  

I repeat my 3 week antibiotic protocol on Dec 2. At least this time we all go into it knowing what we will experience. This round more than any other, except when I was on the IV PowerLine, has required more outside help than ever. My parents and assistant have had to really step up and take over for a longer period of time than any of us every wanted or expected. But, we will get to the bottom of this and I continue to keep my eye on the long-term remission ball. In several months my life should be completely normal again, or so Dr. J says. In the meantime, I keep on going, am vigorously compliant with my treatment, and passionate about spreading Lyme awareness. 

Organically, my book has sold VERY well, so far. It will be exciting to see what happens when my big PR campaign begins in January. Once I get back from Punta Cana, it will be time to put that tan to some use on tour.

Be well.

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