So, there's been a lot of blogging and talking and crying and thinking in the fetal position about my hysterectomy which is in *GASP* four days and that means I know something you might not have realized. On Saturday I will officially be in menopause. Well then, holy crap.
I have a great doc who has been treating me for ten years (and mostly because of my train wreck hormones) who is comfortable and very experienced in working with compounded bioidentical hormones, so that's a plus, but menopause it just sounds so OLD. I have been promised near instant hot flashes and mood swings (blue sky beware), and that it might take a few months for us to get just the right dose of all of the hormones. So that means more blood testing and more symptom journaling and now wondering, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" but wait, I won't have any eggs, so it must have been the chicken. Anyway...
I've even broken down and read 8 pages about hysterectomy of this wack-a-doo's book:
I bought this in one of my middle of the night sleep-meds-induced shopping extravaganzas.
It's so fun to see what arrives at the door sometimes...
Maybe she does have something good to say, but somehow I just can't swallow it. I'll try again tonight. Maybe.
I haven't really thought much about the surgery since my naturopath told me to be at peace with it all. That helped me a lot and I had a great phone appointment with Dr. J where we talked through my fears, he talked me off a ledge, again, and we discussed how my Lyme treatment will unfold post-op. I am pleased with the plan, as it seems there is mapped out way we can ward off the spirochetes from repopulating while not going full blown back in treatment while my body is still a bit vulnerable. After a reasonable break, I will do a "bridge week" and then the following week go back on my last treatment, which I did quite well on, but that went pretty hard after the Babesia. We'll see how I do with this post op. PLEASE let this one not make me heave. Pretty sure that would hurt after all of the upcoming disruption that's about to happen in my abdominal area.
Sigh. I guess I am thinking about this now. And I am kind of stressed. You know, in a peaceful sort of way. I think.
As is I didn't feel old enough because of my date with menopause on Saturday, I am now Instagraming, God help me. It's like rocket science. Do me a favor. Just find me and like me or heart me or # me or whatever it is and help me find my way. I feel SO out of my way. I am SUCH a Facebook expert and yet, so out of it when it comes to Instagram. So just find me - TWISTOFLYMEBOOK
And I'm TWEETING and Pinteresting now too. What is WRONG with me? Well, I love social media but I am also in bed A LOT and it's something to do since I have binge-watched every show I wanted to watch and hate every other suggestion I have gotten. I even dedicated a category to Binge-Watching for Lymies on my Pinterest page. You can find me everywhere at the same name - TwistofLymeBook basically because if I come up with another name I will forget it - because I have Lyme. Sigh.
Tomorrow morning at 7:25a.m. I will be on WICN 90.5 FM a jazz and NPR station out of Worcester, MA. NPR during the beginning of rush hour! YESSSSSS!!!! So, if you are in the area, tune in! If you aren't click on the link prior to the interview in case you need to download something to listen live. I will also request a file to add to my podcast station, which we are working on and will soon be available on iTunes so you can subscribe and listen to all of my interviews - pre and post-menopause!
In any case, I am going to go enjoy tonight, one of these last evenings of my youth, by going through my taxes with my financial guy, to make sure we haven't missed anything before I submit! Yeah, my taxes are done, you heard me right. Now to just save up for that first estimated tax increase. It was a good year last year since I am lucky enough to work from home = computer in bed, and I am sure this year will be better. That's just the reality I have to create. Things will just get better and better from here. 2014 just HAS to be my year. And I hope it's YOURS too!