I probably got my slanty things wrong. Sorry france. Apparently from the red underline the word slanty isn't a word either. Sorry America. I have more important things to talk about. You see, I am about to kick several organs to the curb.
Today I went to the sixth pre op appointment in my life, all caused because of Lyme. I hope this will be the last, but that is unlikely. Anyway, I went to have my pre op for my full hysterectomy. I am in a better place now than where I was during my "Breakdown" entry a couple of days ago. That said, I have not slept more than 4 hours a night in 5 nights and I am exhausted.
Dad showed up this morning to take me to the pre op appointment. I had originally wanted to drive myself, since I am doing some driving now at certain points of the day, but with the snow and all, it was good that we decided he drive. We talked the whole way down which was strange because we weren't interrupted every 30 seconds by a certain small person in the back and I think we actually had some conversations, but I don't know what we talked about.
And that was the theme for today - Lyme Brain. I have no idea what I said r what was said to me at any point of the day today. I don't know who has called me or who has not. I don't know how Mini's day was even though she told me. I think something happened that was exciting, but I don't know what. I do remember that she ran straight past me to hug her grandpa. Little rat.
Anyway, my surgery is all set for February 28 with the Galileo robot and my surgeons Dr. Blyenberg from Garrison Women's Health, an Osteopath that I just dig, and Dr. John Schorge, Head of Gynecology Oncology at Mass General, coming in for my full hysterectomy. There is no fear of cancer, but he is an expert at very difficult surgeries and I am very good at offering very difficult surgeries, so it seems we will be a good match.
I was invited in and told the doctor that we could go through the girly stuff together before bringing my dad in because he doesn't need to be all up in my girly grill. I forgot that I blog it all anyway. LOL. So here's what she said. It fees so much better said it anonymously (not so much) behind a screen. No sex for 8 weeks and no submersion in a tub for 8 weeks. I can shower normally and s long as I can pee, et and drink normally, I should be out of there the next day. That will be good for Mini.
So then I let Dad in. Of course I remember that I was a back seat driver with Dr. Blyenberg and was like make sure you look here because this hurts like a bitch and my pelvis holy crap and.... she said we will look from HERE to HERE showing me the middle of my ribcage down to my pelvic area. She also suspected that this horrendous thigh pain i have had for 25 years has been radiated uterine pain. Super. But hey I remember that part. And I remember her saying the word PRINCESS. That for two weeks I am to be a PRINCESS and not pick up anything. I can handle that *grin*. But I have to walk around. I remember that. But not too much. I don't know know much much. I am confused.
Then she talked and talked and I signed something and that was that. Dad seemed to have taken pages of notes. He is well trained from DC. On the way home I told him how confused I was and he said, "well I took notes." So I guess we'll just trust the robot. The one stupid thing is I have to go ALL THE WAY back down there just to have my pre op blood work done. I can't have it done here then sent down. I have to drive down. So unnecessary in this day and age.
So I have two weeks left. I'm a little uneasy about it, but I just have to go with the flow. So that's the update. 15 days until menopause...
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