Saturday, February 8, 2014

Set Your Alarms - Let the Interviews Begin!

While I am busily filling in all of my family needs for my downtime during my upcoming surgery, there is no rest for the weary here. I feel AWFUL and honestly cannot get that robot on me fast enough, but I have an important message to spread and I do not intend on letting pain slow me down. So, for the next several weeks I have some radio interviews set up, as well as some possible print interviews in the works, some local, some further away, and some possible (fingers crossed) very large national press possibilities. 

In the meantime, I ask you to listen online this Monday, February 10 to my first two interviews. Mind you, I will probably be very nervous and this will be my first novice crack at it, so give me a break, but it's press and press we need! 

The first interview is with a big radio station in Portsmouth, NH which reaches down to Boston and up to Portland, ME. Um, AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!   It's at 10a.m. EST on  WHEB 100.3 ROCK and you can listen LIVE via the link at the top of the page.  This is RIGHT after the Morning Buzz which is a HUGE show, so let's hope for THOUSANDS of listeners and LOTS of attention on Lyme! 

The second interview is that same night, Monday, February 10, at 8:30pm EST on a radio show out of Tampa Bay, Florida called Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. You can also listen to this on the internet by clicking the link at the top of the page. 

Mind you, my Lymie friends, my book is about my PERSONAL experience with Lyme. My goal is to HUMANIZE Lyme. I will not get into the medicine and science behind Lyme because I am not a doctor, scientist, or researcher. I am a Lyme expert when it comes to my own experience as a regular person who has suffered for 29 years, 26 undiagnosed. And that is the angle this will be coming from. 

So, I ask you to tune in, show your support and spread the word! This is exciting stuff! Let's make some noise about Lyme, sell some books - A Twist of Lyme: Battling a Disease That "Doesn't Exist" can be purchased from and we can really help people understand that this disease is not only REAL, but a pandemic. 

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