My visit to Dartmouth Hitchcock, was helpful in that she agreed I should have a full hysterectomy, was a bit of a bust, because they cannot get me in until March 5, a time when my parents, due to other obligations, will be unable to care for me or, more importantly, for Mini. The next available date they had was March 17, which would have meant the recovery period would extend into my company's national conference and even into the Disney Cruise I have booked for Mini and me. So, Dartmouth Hitchcock's offers are simply unacceptable. And to be honest, there is not way I can even wait 5 week with this level of pain in my lower abdomen and lumbar to have the surgery done. So then I'd have to push it into what would be MAY is just ludicrous. So, as usual, I had to take things into my own hands.
I did some research and decided that my next attempt would be with Wentworth Douglas Hospital in Dover, NH. This is actually a fantastic possibility because if I can get in in February, and I made it clear that that is a must, they actually have the Galileo robot surgical system to conduct the procedure which GREATLY cuts down on risks, recovery time, and hospital stay. So this is very exciting. The woman on the phone was SO NICE I could not believe it and she actually took it into her own hands to get the records from DH which they swore they would not be able to send until next week. And then... she got me in for an appointment with one of their GYNs two days later. So, I go in to see her on Tuesday. I begged on the phone to not have to be examined again - that the decision has been made and the exam is so painful that I get teary even thinking about it.
It will be interesting to see how it all turns out, but I am hoping it will just be a smooth transition. The hospital just underwent an incredible renovation, is closer to home, and I love the holistic/integrative approach of the GYNs AND they have the robot. So, maybe it was all meant to be anyway.
Just a short post, but many have asked for the update. Now if Monday morning would just come around, so I can get back to scheduling...
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